Marketing Boost | Make More Sales By Giving Away Vacations

Marketing Boost | Make More Sales By Giving Away Vacations

Are you tired of using the same old sales techniques to promote your products or services? Well, what if we told you that you can boost your sales by giving away vacations? It might sound too good to be true, but it’s possible with Marketing Boost’s Travel Incentive Program. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at this program and how it can help your business make more sales. Let’s dive in!


As a marketer, trying to stand out from the crowd of competition can be quite challenging. Offerings such as discounts, deals and personalized coupons have become quite common and tend to be less effective. So, the question is, how can marketers impress potential buyers and increase sales? The answer may be an incentive program.

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What is Marketing Boost Travel Incentive Program?

In short, Marketing Boost is a travel incentive program that offers free vacation certificates as a reward to potential buyers for making a purchase. The program boasts of increasing sales by up to 30% and has become the talk of the town. With Marketing Boost, potential buyers have a choice of over 20 domestic and international destinations.

3-step secret weapon for smart marketers

The following are the three steps that smart marketers should follow to ensure that they get the most out of the Marketing Boost Travel Incentive Program:

  1. Offer high-value incentive not personally fulfilled
  2. Provide free vacation to persuade fence-sitters to buy
  3. Let MarketingBoost provide vacation certificates

Step 1: Offer high-value incentive not personally fulfilled

One thing that marketers need to understand is that offering incentives personally may not be as effective as high-value incentives that are not personally fulfilled. This is where the Marketing Boost Travel Incentive Program comes into play.

Step 2: Provide free vacation to persuade fence-sitters to buy

Potential buyers often tend to be fence-sitters, they are interested but not quite convinced if they want to purchase. Offering a free vacation certificate may be the tipping point in persuading them to make a purchase.

Step 3: Let MarketingBoost provide vacation certificates

Marketing Boost takes care of everything regarding the vacation certificates. There is no need for marketers to worry about logistics or making travel arrangements, Marketing Boost makes it easy for everyone involved.

Stop undercutting yourself

Many marketers tend to offer freebies that end up robbing their income and hindering business growth. Instead, they need to recognize the value of their products or services and price them accordingly. With Marketing Boost, marketers can stick to their pricing and stop paying for extras that they don’t need.

Buyers have 18 months to activate and use certificates

One concern that potential buyers may have is about the validity of the vacation certificates. With Marketing Boost, buyers have eighteen months to activate and use the certificates, giving them plenty of time to plan their trip.

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The Marketing Boost Travel Incentive Program provides a unique opportunity for smart marketers to make more sales by offering vacation certificates, which not only serve as exceptional incentives but also provide a valuable gift to potential buyers. By staying true to their pricing and letting Marketing Boost take care of the logistics, marketers can witness up to 30% increase in sales, making killer profits while keeping their customers happy.


  1. How does the Marketing Boost program increase sales?

The program offers free vacation certificates as incentives for potential buyers for making a purchase.

  1. What are the three steps that smart marketers should follow for the program?

Offer high-value incentives not personally fulfilled, provide a free vacation to persuade fence-sitters to buy, and let MarketingBoost provide vacation certificates.

  1. What does “fence-sitters” mean?

“Fence-sitters” means potential buyers who are interested in purchasing but not quite convinced.

  1. How long is the validity of the vacation certificates?

Buyers have eighteen months to activate and use the certificates.

  1. Will Marketing Boost take care of all logistical aspects for the vacation certificates?

Yes, Marketing Boost will take care of everything related to the vacation certificates.

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